At FBC, we want our people to be engaged in a journey where they become more like Christ and understand their purpose in the kingdom of God. We accomplish this by delivering the message of the gospel, discipling them through the different ministries here at FBC, and deploying them out to replicate the process with those God is placing in their lives. 

Because we care about your growth at FBC, we have developed a pathway designed to help grow you spiritually. We want our members to be engaged in a journey where they become more like Christ and understand their purpose in the kingdom of God. We accomplish this by delivering the message of the gospel, discipling them through the different ministries here at FBC, and deploying them out to replicate the process with those God is placing in their lives. We believe those who engage in worship, dig deeper in Sunday school, connect in community groups, and grow in knot groups will become disciples who love God, their brothers and sisters, and those far from God.

The A-E Pathway: A-Assembly, B-Bible Study, C-Community, D-Discipleship, and E-Equip.

A - Assembly

We value worship at First Baptist Church. We aim to lead people to encounter God through an authentic, celebratory, spirit-filled worship experience. We accomplish this with an expository preaching foundation where the truths of God's Word are presented clearly and effectively every week. Our worship is blended, mixing contemporary and traditional music, believing that our responsibility is first to please God and second to each other as brothers and sisters. Because worship is about God, it is here that we teach members how to love God first and foremost.

B - Bible Study

God reveals Himself through His Word, by His Holy Spirit, and through His people. Sunday mornings we gather in groups to seek the Lord by studying the Bible together. As we seek Him, God reveals His love for us and teaches us how to live in relationship with Him and one another.

Each group's teacher selects their study and teaches either through a book of the Bible or other relevant topical studies. We have groups for all ages. Sunday school occurs weekly at 8:45 am. 


D - Discipleship

Knot Groups are disciple-making groups. They are closed groups of 2-4 men or women that meet for 60-90 minutes weekly or bi-weekly for at least one year. KNOT Groups focus on three key areas of growth: Bible Intake, Prayer, and Fellowship.

Knot groups are a critical element in FBC’s DELIVER, DISCIPLE, DEPLOY strategy. They exist as an opportunity for you to connect with people and grow together. Every group may look different but all share their discipleship mentality.

“As iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another.” - Proverbs 27:17

E - Equip

We also offer several opportunities for members to practice what we teach through different mission trips, annual events, and workshops. Currently, we send teams locally, domestically, and internationally and provide yearly evangelism training to help better equip believers for God’s kingdom work.

Through this process, we hope that you will learn your purpose in God's kingdom and at FBC. We pray that you will begin to use your gifts in the context of your church and join us on mission as we attempt to be obedient to Jesus's charge found in Matthew 28.